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The Fully Modular DAC

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Forget everything you know about DACs. Yggdrasil+'s unique True Multibit™ architecture combines integrated multibit D/A converters with a proprietary time- and frequency-domain optimized digital filter. Together with the convenience of remote control, switchable NOS mode, and a fully modular platform, Yggdrasil+ gives you the best performance now—and in the future.

Choose From Two Flavors
Yggdrasil+ is available in two flavors, including one that costs the same as the original 2014 Yggdrasil—and provides higher performance, additional features, and remote control. Progress--without the price!

  • Yggdrasil Less is More. The most affordable Yggdrasil uses four TI DAC8812 16-bit D/A converters.
  • Yggdrasil More is Better. Simply the highest-performance multibit DAC in history. Uses four ultra-precision TI DAC11001B 20-bit D/A converters.

Unique True Multibit™ Performance
Both Yggdrasil+ versions use our True Multibit architecture, a unique combination of our proprietary time- and frequency-domain optimized digital filter and integrated, medical/defense grade multibit D/A converters. Yggdrasil’s DSP-based digital filter has a closed-form solution—it retains the original samples, performing a true interpolation. Only this digital filter gives you the best of both NOS and upsampling designs. 

Convenience and Flexibility
Yggdrasil+ isn’t just about ultimate performance. At the same time, we’ve included 5 digital inputs, including our own Unison USB™ interface with complete electromagnetic and electrostatic isolation. Ease of access is assured with standard remote control, and we’ve provided features like absolute phase inversion and NOS mode so you can optimize for your individual system and recordings.

Fully Modular Architecture—Ready for the Future
Only Yggdrasil+ offers the flexibility and assurance of a truly modular architecture, both hardware and firmware. Literally every board—from input to output—is easily replaceable, with its uniquely reconfigurable chassis provides for future expandability. This unique upgradability gives you great performance now, and assurance for tomorrow.

Designed and Built in the USA
By “designed and built in the USA" this is what we mean: the vast majority of the total production cost of Yggdrasil—chassis, boards, assembly, etc—goes to US companies manufacturing in the US. Our chassis and transformers are made in California. Our PCBs are made in California or Nevada, and it all comes together in our San Antonio facility.

5-Year Warranty, Easy Returns
Yggdrasil+ is covered by a 5-year limited warranty that covers parts and labor. And if you don’t like your Yggdrasil, you can send it back for a refund, minus 5% restocking fee, within 15 days of receiving it.

All Yggdrasil+

Input Capability: up to 24/192 for all inputs
Input Receiver, SPDIF: AKM AK4113
Input Receiver, USB: Unison USB™,  based on Microchip PIC32 microprocessor

Clock Management: Bitperfect clock management at all native sample rates via Adapticlock analysis and VCXO/VCO regeneration
Digital Filter: proprietary Schiit time- and frequency-domain optimized digital filter implemented on Analog Devices SHARC DSP processor
Output: One pair XLR balanced and two pairs RCA single-ended
Output Impedance: 75 ohms

Power Supply: two transformers (one for digital supplies, one for analog supplies) plus one input choke for discrete, dual mono, shunt-regulated analog +/-24V supply, plus 12 or more separate local regulated supplies for DACs and digital sections, including high-precision, low-noise LM723 regulation in critical areas.

Upgradability: Fully modular architecture. Separate digital input board, USB input board, DSP engine board, and DAC/analog output boards.

Power Consumption: 45W

Size: 16 x 13” x 2.875”

Weight: 25 lbs

Yggy+ LIM (Less is More)

Frequency Response, Analog Stage: 20Hz-20Khz, +/-0.1dB, 0.5Hz-200KHz, -1dB
Maximum Output: 4.0V RMS (balanced), 2.0V RMS (single-ended)
THD: Less than 0.002%, 20Hz-20KHz, at full output
IMD: <0.002%, CCIF, at full output
SNR: > 110dB, referenced to 4V RMS
D/A Conversion IC: Texas Instruments DAC8812 x 4 (2 per channel, dual hardware balanced configuration)
Analog Stage: Integrated, using LME49724 differential stage 

Yggy+ MIB (More is Better)

Frequency Response, Analog Stage: 20Hz-20Khz, +/-0.1dB, 0.5Hz-100KHz, -1dB
Maximum Output: 4.0V RMS (balanced), 2.0V RMS (single-ended)
THD+N: -118dB referenced to full output (0.0001%), -96dB at 20kHz, 90kHz bandwidth
IMD: <0.0002%, CCIF, at full output
SNR: > 128dB, referenced to 4V RMS
D/A Conversion IC: Texas Instruments DAC11001B x 4 (2 per channel, dual hardware balanced configuration)
Analog Stage: Integrated, using LME49724 differential stage 

APx555 Report for Yggdrasil Less is More
APx555 Screen for Yggdrasil More is Better 

Yggdrasil+? What’s the “+” for?
Depending on your point of view, it can mean nothing but marketing puffery, or it can mean the plus of having the flagship True Multibit DAC, the plus of having remote control, the plus of having a unique closed-form digital filter, the plus of having the only truly modular, ready-for-the-future DAC, the plus of smart features like phase inversion and NOS mode.

That’s a lot of pluses.
Yeah, but Yggdrasil+++++++ is a really dumb name.

Hey, you’ve done it before.
Point taken. Got any real questions?

What’s the the difference between flavors?

No, I mean, technically?
Ah yeah. Gotcha. I think we covered that in the product description, but let’s get into a bit more detail here. What’s common across all models is the same number of inputs, same Unison USB, same basic hardware up to the analog cards. Then, each flavor has a specific pair of analog cards and DSP firmware that runs them. The flavors are as follows:

  • Yggdrasil Less Is More. Least expensive. Uses four TI 16-bit DACs and integrated differential amplification afterwards. Because it’s 16 bits, and because the DACs cost less than the other options, it is less expensive than any other version. It also measures a bit better than the Yggdrasil OG (!) despite being down 4 bits. This is the wonder and magic of dither. 
  • Yggdrasil More is Better. Uses the all-new precision-champion TI DAC11001B, four of them to be precise, to make the highest-performance, best-measuring multibit DAC in history. At -118dB-120dB THD+N, it’s near the top of the charts—and it sounds great!

How do I know which to choose?
Sigh. That’s the problem, isn’t it? Let’s see if we can help:

  • If you’re looking for the highest value, and the one the Mike Moffat likes, and perhaps the smoothest of all Yggdrasil variants, look at Less is More.
  • If you want clean, precise performance that isn’t harsh or shrill, More is Better is the ticket. 

How do I know which flavor I have?
The name of the product and the flavor appear on the serial number sticker. 

I am offended that I have to think and choose. Why can’t you be like other companies that double the price of the new model, make me buy a new one, but soothe my ego by saying I will see unicorns and meet god without taking drugs?
Because we truly believe, based on years of research (and 10 Yggdrasil analog card variations) that once you reach this level of performance, you’re really talking about system synergy, rather than night and day differences. Hence, “flavors.” Some companies would have done Less is More, priced it at $3995, and called it a day. However, we are weird. We do things like “Thunderdomes” to give you options, and we don’t believe in one true path. Because if there was one, we wouldn’t periodically “rediscover” products like ancient DACs, antique Class A power amps, and various tube gear dating back to the time the earth cooled. We also do weird things like pricing products based on what it costs to make them, rather than what the market will bear, so all of the Yggdrasil versions are based on the prices of their D/A converters. That’s why in the end, we decided to offer different versions of our top product, run a double-blind listening test with three reviewers to help you choose, and see where that takes us. If you don’t like our approach, we completely understand—there are many other companies producing fine equipment out there.

I still find it hard to believe your bestest brightest DAC tops out under $3,000!
We don't believe in fancy casework, nor in blingy displays, nor in any kind of complication that just ups the price for the sake of upping the price. So yes, this is our top DAC. A DAC that can look any other DAC in the world in the face and not flinch. That is, if it was human. And if DACs had faces. Hell, you know what we mean.

How can this possibly be better than, say, the Arglebargle $15,000 DAC when this is so much less expensive?
Because the Arglebargle was most likely designed to the expectations of today, using commonly available parts in a super-fancy case, while we started with a clean sheet of paper. 

But the Arglebargle has like twelve 32-bit DACs in it! Yours only has 17 to 21 bits! Hell, that’s not a full 24 bits even! What about my 24-bit recordings?
If your 24 bit recordings actually have 24 bits of resolution, we’ll eat a hat. 

But it’s only 17 to 21 bits! I can’t get over that!
We can’t get over the fact that delta-sigma DACs are actually 2- to 5-bit designs. Different strokes for different folks.

What about DSD or MQA?
Yggdrasil plays DSD just fine, as long as it's converted to PCM by your software player. Same for MQA—Yggdrasil plays MQA just fine as long as your software or hardware does the "unfolding." (Unspindling and unmutilating are, we suppose, extra.)

What? But I hear DSD and/or MQA is the future!
Yeah, and reel-to-reel was the future in the 1970s, and it’s dead now, and DAT was the future in the 1980s, and it’s dead now, and HDCD was the future in the 1990s, and it’s dead now, and SACD was the future in the 2000s, and it’s dead now. But, let's say Sony suddenly opens their vaults and offers 30,000 DSD albums with guaranteed direct-from-DSD provenance at $5.99 each, or if Apple and Spotify and Amazon start streaming only MQA for free (yes, we know, stop laughing) then hey, Yggy is fully upgradable.

What’s this bullschiit about a unique time- and frequency-domain optimized digital filter, and why does it matter?
Most digital filters destroy the original samples in the process of upsampling. They’re just like sample rate converters or delta-sigma DACs. We’re all about the original samples, so we created a unique digital filter that performs a true interpolation, which means it retains all the original samples. This is a major difference between Schiit True Multibit DACs like Yggdrasil and every other DAC in the world. 

I don't believe you!
Then ask Mike Moffat, the father of audiophile digital playback, about his 5-year quest to perfect this digital filter, involving 1917 Western Electric papers on pulse-code modulation, a professor emeritus of mathematics who devised a way to get around the divide-by-zero problem, a RAND corp mathematician to implement it, and a master programmer to get it to run on our SHARC processor engine. In his words:

"The below are the claims of the digital filter/interpolator/sample rate converter in Yggy:

  1. The filter is absolutely proprietary.
  2. The development tools and coefficient calculator to derive the above filters are also proprietary.
  3. The math involved in developing the filter and calculating has a closed form solution. It is not an approximation, as all other filters I have studied (most, if not all of them). Therefore, all of the original samples are output. This could be referred to fairly as bit perfect; what comes in goes out.
  4. Oversimplified, however essentially correct: The filter is also time domain optimized which means the phase info in the original samples are averaged in the time domain with the filter generated interpolated samples to for corrected minimum phase shift as a function of frequency from DC to the percentage of nyquist - in our case .968. Time domain is well defined at DC - the playback device behaves as a window fan at DC - it either blows (in phase) or sucks (out). It is our time domain optimization that gives the uncanny sonic hologram. (It also allows the filter to disappear. Has to be heard to understand.) Since lower frequency wavelengths are measured in tens of feet, placement in image gets increasingly wrong as a function of decreasing frequency in non time domain optimized recordings - these keep the listener's ability to hear the venue - not to mention the sum of all of the phase errors in the microphones, mixing boards, eq, etc on the record side. An absolute phase switch is of little to no value in a non time domain optimized, stochastic time domain replay system. It makes a huge difference with an Yggy.
  5. This is combined with a frequency domain optimization which does not otherwise affect the phase optimization. The 0.968 of Nyquist also gives us a small advantage that none of the off-the shelf FIR filters (0.907) provide: frequency response out to 21.344KHz, 42.688KHz, 85.3776KHz, and 170.5772KHz bandwidth for native 1,2,4, and 8x 44.1KHz SR multiple recordings - the 48KHz table is 23.232, 46.464, 92.868, and 185.856KHz respectively for 1,2,4, and 8x. This was the portion of the filter that had the divide by zero problem which John Lediaev worked out, to combine with #4 above AND retain the original samples.

This is what other DACs typically offer: frequency domain optimization FIR filters with Parks-McClellan optimization. Any avoidance of the Parks-McClellan pablum requires a lot of original DSP work. Am I a prophet who received the tablets from God or some other high-end audio drivel. Hell, no. I was the producer and director of this project and worked with Dave Kerstetter (hardware-software), John Lediaev (Math), Tom Lippiat (DSP Code), Warren Goldman (Coefficient Generator and development tools) for a total of 15 or so man years. These folks either taught math at The University of Iowa, Computer Science at Carnegie-Mellon University, worked at think tanks like the Rand Corporation – you get the idea. We did this for no money - What we all had in common was that we loved audio. All other audio pros were interested in Parks-McClellan and pointed and laughed at us. That's the way it happened. It was worth it, every hour, day, and year."

What is Unison USB?
Unison USB is our own proprietary USB input, not based on C-Media or XMOS or any other off-the-shelf USB receiver out there. Instead, we spent a couple of person-years developing our own code for a standard Microchip PIC32 microprocessor, which allowed us to create a higher-performing USB input than anything else on the market.

So why is Unison USB so special?
Unison USB is special because it was developed for a single purpose: to provide the highest performance input for PCM digital, period. It doesn’t have ten thousand un-used functions, nor is it trying to optimize for five different unicorn formats that will probably be gone tomorrow. It also uses very high-quality local clocks and offers complete electrostatic and electromagnetic isolation from the source. It also provides lower power draw and complete UAC2 compatibility. 

So what platforms does your Unison USB input support?
Actually, the question should be “What platforms support your Unison USB input?” since our Unison USB input is 100% UAC2 compliant (that is, USB Audio Class 2, the accepted standard for USB audio transmission.) So, here you go:

  • Linux. As in, many popular streamers. Also most Linux distros that support UAC2 natively will be plug and play. Please note that we cannot provide detailed technical support for Linux.
  • Windows 10 and 11. No, we don’t provide UAC2 drivers for earlier versions of Windows, sorry. Yes, it is time to step into the present (not the future, Windows 10 has been out for several years now.) Yes, it is time to upgrade. Yes, it’s worth it. Windows 10 and 11 are actually very nice platforms.
  • Mac OSX. From 10.10 on up, Macs are good to go. This now includes Mac OS 11.
  • iOS. From iOS7 on up, iOS devices work with USB Camera Connection Kit, Lightning to USB Camera Adapter, a Lightning to USB3 Camera Adapter, or directly with the new USB-C models. 
  • Android. As in, some popular streamers. Also phones and tablets. Most Android devices that shipped with Android M or above will work using a USB OTG cable. Some may require separate player software, like USB Audio Player Pro. 

How is Yggdrasil+ different than Yggdrasil?
Yggdrasil+ is the current version of Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is the original version, built from 2014-2022. Yggdrasil+ adds the following features:

  • Remote control. Now you can control inputs, phase inversion, mute.
  • NOS mode. And you can actually turn off our own time- and frequency-domain optimized digital filter and go no oversampling, if you want.
  • Slim, flexible chassis. The new chassis is sleeker, adds a button, and, much more importantly, makes Yggdrasil much more flexible and easier to upgrade. A replaceable back panel provides assurance in case of future input options. The top now slides off with 4 screws, not 39.

Can I upgrade Yggdrasil to Yggdrasil+?
Yes. See the Upgrades section. $499 for black, $599 for silver. You have to send it to us or an authorized distributor. The price only reflects what you’re choosing, not the original color. Here’s your chance to switch it up!

Do I get anything else when I upgrade?
You get anything else you ordered. If you'd like to upgrade to Less is More or Unison USB, you can order those as well and we'll do it all at once. 

Is it worth it to upgrade?
If you want remote control, NOS mode, a sleeker chassis that's easy to upgrade, and a 2-year warranty reactivation, then it's worth it. Otherwise, no worries. If we come out with additional analog upgrades or other stuff in the future, you can always swap the chassis at that time. Or not. It's up to you.

A chassis upgrade?
Hey, why not? You get a new, much more flexible product with additional features, plus a warranty extension (or re-activation) for 2 years.

Do I get the old chassis back when I upgrade?
Why? Are you gonna use it for a planter or fishtank or something? But yeah, if you want to pay for packaging and shipping to send it back to you, we can do that. Otherwise they will be recycled.

What is Yggdrasil?
In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the World Tree from which all springs. Pretty cool name for a DAC, huh? Well, except for the unpronouncible bit. Call it Yggy. We won't be offended.

Schiit Audio Yggdrasil DAC
The Absolute Sound, Robert Harley

"I don't know how Schiit Audio has done it, but the $2300 Yggy is in many ways competitive with any DAC I've heard regardless of price. In some criteria—transient speed without etch, clarity of musical line, whole-body involvement—the Yggy is as good as digital gets."

"It's a spectacular performer on an absolute level, and an out-of-this world bargain. The Yggy is not just a tremendous value in today's DACs, it's one of the greatest bargains in the history of high-end audio."​


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ComputerAudiophile Yggdrasil Review
ComputerAudiophile.com, Chris Connaker

"Based on my experience with countless DACs and after spending a couple months with the Yggdrasil, I can say without a doubt that this DAC is very special. It's one of my favorite DACs available today. In fact, I will happily mention the Yggdrasil in the same sentence as some of my other favorites, the Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC RS ($16,000) and the EMM Labs DAC2X ($15,500), when talking to fellow audio enthusiasts. The Yggdrasil is one of those products that subtly grabs hold of the listener, yet the listener is the one who can't let go. I couldn't stop listening through the Yggdrasil enough to write this review on time."

"The Yggdrasil has a really solid yet simplistic build quality on the outside and very selective component use on the inside. However, I believe the Yggdrasil's performance has much more to do with intellectual property than any other factor. Any manufacturer can use identical hardware in a competing product, but only Schiit Audio has its closed-form filter."

"The Yggdrasil is a disruptive product that I can't recommend enough to both new and experienced music aficionados. Add to cart and enjoy."

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The Absolute Sound's 10 Most Significant Products
The Absolute Sound, Steven Stone

In The Absolute Sound's show report for Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, Yggdrasil was chosen as one of the "10 Most Significant Products."

"Schiit is one of those companies whose products have an edge. For RMAF Schiit introduced a new flagship DAC, the Yggdrasil (say that fast three times) that is touted as "the world's only bit-perfect DAC". To achieve this lofty goal the Yggdrasil uses proprietary "adapti-clock" topology combined with VCO and VCXO re-clocking. The DAC's analog stage uses differential current-feedback topology with a fully discrete design populated by both JFET and bipolar transistors. For $2299 the Yggdrasil delivers a lot of unique technology and flexible functionality. It sounded great driving a pair of Audeze LCD-2 headphones."

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Headphone.Guru, Paddy Carroll

"The Yggdrasil has an amazing way of reproducing the sound of three dimensional space....Breaths taking by the four musicians and movements of the arms and feet are all amplified creating a much more intimate listening experience. It is even possible to hear the clothes that the players are wearing as they perform – movements of the sleeves and trousers! I also got a sense of the size of the concert hall, echoes of sound and microphone placement were precisely picked up which easily created images of the depth of the hall as the sounds are reflected from wall to wall."

"In my opinion it surpasses similarly priced DACs like the Eximus DP1, Chord Hugo and Arcam FMJ D33. It seemed superior even to DACs like the Lampizator Generation 4. The Yggdrasil’s advantages in price to performance peak at around the level of DACs like the Bricasti M1 which is an unbelievable achievement when you consider that the M1 is 3 times the price of the Yggdrasil.

"One of the crowning achievements of this DAC is how it can take regular CD quality (Redbook) recordings and squeeze every last drop of detail from them. I was floored when I went through my old rock collection."

"The Yggdrasil sets a new benchmark in price for performance. I believe that it is the best DAC on the market for the money."

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Thoughts on a bunch of DACs

"Just when you think the Gen V is good, the Yggdrasil is even better. You wouldn't believe how much musical information is contained in those 44/16 files; and just how much lesser DACs leave behind. Brings those old or even bad recordings into a new light. Monster dynamics, bass that stops on a dime, tight precision, decay and ambient cues that don't suddenly disappear when they are not supposed to. No digital crap. Makes me reminisce of vinyl in my youth. The Yggdrasil is the 2015 update to the Theta V by the same guys. The Yggdrasil is really beyond words.

The downside? Kinda sounds like **** in the first few hours. 24-48 hours at minimum to warm up. One week for best results."

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Schiit Audio Yggdrasil Digital-to-Analog Converter with Analog 2 Upgrade
Soundstage! HiFi, Erich Wetzel

"In its Analog 2 version, the Yggdrasil DAC marries affordability to exceptional sound quality courtesy a bespoke DAC architecture from one of hi-fi's most pioneering digital designers. The Yggdrasil provided beautiful, musical sound even when fed challenging recordings from digital's early days. Clear imaging, large and solid soundstaging, linear frequency response, and a particularly fabulous midrange all make the Schiit Yggdrasil an excellent DAC at any price."

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The Best Schiit Ever
CNET Audiophiliac, Steve Guttenberg

"Schiit's flagship converter, the Yggdrasil Analog 2, sells for a fraction of the cost of the best high-end converters, but it's right up there in performance."

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Dial M for Multibit
John Darko

"With the Schiit Yggdrasil Analog 2 we see a DAC with no additional feature set on which to fall back should it materialise as an also-ran at its price point. Buyer appeal is determined solely by its performance as a converter of digital audio to analogue. And boy, does it deliver, cutting us a huge chunk of the high-end's digital audio cake but without the associated price premium, in turn free-ing more of our budget for a top-flight server/streamer. Because Mike Moffat, multibit, medical, maths and modular. Astonishing for a product made entirely in the US of A."

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Bit Perfect
Headphone.Guru, Gary Alan Barker

"Schiit have done their job. As a reference piece the Yggy Analog 2 delivers in spades. For detail and musicality, I have not heard better. The large deep soundstage speaks of levels of resolution not achievable with Sigma/Delta DAC chips when reproducing PCM. The incredible neutrality of the tonal balance says the Yggy adds nothing that does not belong there to the music. If I have any complaint it is that the presentation is sometimes a little more crisp than I prefer being an analog and tube guy at heart, but that being said, I have listened to $50,000 DACs that I can't say sound better. If you are in the market for a reference DAC, or simply have the cash for one, you would be doing yourself a disservice to not audition the Schiit Yggdrasil Analog 2."

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Schiit Audio Yggdrasil Review
Home Theater Review, Dylan Seeger

"When reviewing a product, absolute performance is of course something that one attempts to evaluate, but price needs to be taken into consideration as well. It's fair to say that, at its asking price, the Schiit Audio Yggdrasil DAC is a top tier performer with amazing value. It features excellent build quality with an impressive five-year warranty, and although it's missing a few features such as volume control and DSD support, I found its performance--both on its own terms and in relation to its price--more than made up for these omissions."

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AudioSolace: Yggdrasil Analog 2
Audio Solace, Smit Patel

"Overall the Yggdrasil Analog 2 represents the pinnacle of Schiit's innovation and years of experience in the audiophile market. For what it is worth, it also places amongst the best of the best in terms of performance and value for money in what a digital to analogue convertor offers. At $2399, the Analog 2 represents a sizeable investment and one which should not be taking lightly. However, for the budding audiophile who wishes to experience full immersion and the best of what music can be rendered, a listen to the Yggdrasil should not warrant a second thought. With a generous $550 upgradability option plan, true to Schiit's word, original owners of the Yggdrasil are able to send their device to Schiit's warehouse for a worthwhile in-house modification. Together with a durable piece of kit and warranty, the Yggdrasil Analog 2 is a highly recommended end-game purchase."

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Schist Audio Yggdrasil Less is More Review
Audiophile Style, JoeWhip

"As for the sound differences between the LIM and the OG in my system, the LIM was the clear winner. Yes, less is apparently more. When I was a kid we used to hear about the importance of the 3 R's, reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic. Well with the LIM, we have a new set of 3 R's, resolving, relaxing and right. While the two DACs share a common sound, clear differences are heard in direct comparisons between the two. The LIM has a smoother sound. It is less edgy in the treble. The midrange is a tad warmer. The music, and I hate to use this term, seems to arise out of a blacker background, one that has less noise. Perhaps this reduction in noise results in the sonic improvements I hear."

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Schiit Yggdrasil DAC review, ANALOG 2, USB5
De Audiofilos y Locos

Schiit Yggdrasil OG Vs. Less Is More Vs. More Is Less

"The easy and best sounding story for any of these comparisons is the little guy (in this case the cheapest) overcomes the most expensive goliath in the room. For this tale, that low hanging fruit unfortunately wasn't the case for these reviewer's ears. It seems that Mike Moffat and company did a stellar job with the latest version of the Yggdrasil ($2,599). If you are looking to save a little money on the purchase, I would recommend the Schiit Yggdrasil More Is Less ($2,349). For the most analog sounding device of the three, the Less Is More ($2,199). This is perhaps the biggest trick of the whole experience in a nutshell, for more tubelike experiences rarely measure the best. But obviously there is a whole lot more articulating in the wheelhouse here, and once again the perceptible changes are very small. This opens it all up to personal preference a little more and hopefully, just a little more FUN."

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Headphone.Guru, Gary Alan Barker

"So last week I was invited down to the Schiitr for a secret project event. When I got there I discovered that it was to be a double-blind test (where neither the presenter nor the listener knows which is which) of two new iterations of the Schiit Yggdrasil (the Yggy to those of us who don't speak Norse) and the current model. Jason has helpfully named the units the Less is More, the More is Less, and the OG (original)."

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New Schiit Yggdrasil Blind Listening Companion
Audiophile Style, The Computer Audiophile
"Tell us what you think. That's it. That's all Schiit said. Of course, it was fun to take things even further by trying to identify each DAC based on what I knew about the models, but Schiit never put such a requirement forward. There was no pressure to identify the best measuring DAC by ear or anything similar. It was about relaxing, or I guess jumping up and down going ape Schiit if one wanted to, listening to whatever music one wanted, and giving an opinion. There were no wrong answers."

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