Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-800KHz, -3dB
Maximum Output: 10V RMS into 10K ohms
Yes, tone control. As in, equalizer. And yeah, we know that tone controls have kinda fallen off the planet for the last few decades. But we decided to bring them back with the original Loki Mini. And now, with the Loki Mini+, we’ve boosted the performance—pushing the boundaries super-high-fidelity, low noise, single-discrete-gain-stage, LC-filtered, affordable equalizers even further.
Making Imperfect Recordings Sound…A Whole Heckuva Lot Better
Let’s face it. Is everything you listen to recorded perfectly? Of course not. Some recordings aren’t paragons of tonal purity. And your system…let’s be honest. Some speakers and headphones are a bit bright or a bit dark. Loki Mini+ lets you adjust for these imperfections.
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-800KHz, -3dB
Maximum Output: 10V RMS into 10K ohms
Wait a sec. Equalization? As in, tone controls? Really? Why?
Wow, that’s like 4 questions in one.
"Even outside of gaming I used Loki Mini+ to bring about some of my favorite songs and found some settings that really brought the experience to life. Now I could really experience the bass, bring out the intended dialogue or really get the feel for some of the lesser parts without really thinking about it. Surprisingly, fiddling with the control and then bypassing often resulted in a massive difference in sound, making it clear it actually does its job and it does it well."
"Some might think that the Loki Mini+ is only suitable for entry to mid-level setups. I disagree. Any open-minded audiophile, whether a user of headphones or a full-sized stereo, is bound to find much to like in the sound control offered by the Loki. It's a flexible, effective, and surprisingly affordable way to fine-tune the sound of your system."
"And in the case of the Loki Mini+, it costs very little. In the context of high-end prices, the Loki is almost free. To say the Loki is recommended would be a real understatement. You would have to be an absolute mossback not to try it. And once it is in, it will probably never leave your system."
Up to 5 Year Warranty | 15-Day Money-Back Guarantee | Designed and Built in USA |