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Kara F Upgrade
Add Forkbeard™ to your Kara
This upgrade adds Forkbeard compatibility to your Kara, including a bottom chassis swap to allow for Forkbeard connection, new firmware, and a Forkbeard module.
To do this, your Kara will have to come back to our facility in San Antonio.
Schiit Scheduling System Reduces Upgrade Time
Schiit's convenient scheduling system allows you to keep your product until we’re ready to turn it around immediately. Just place your order, and follow the steps in the series of emails. You’ll be notified when your order is accepted, when to send in your product, when the work is performed, and when it’s shipped back to you, for complete transparency.
Out Of Warranty? Get 2-Year Warranty Reactivation
Kara F upgrades are covered by a 2-year warranty, or by the balance of the remaining factory warranty, whichever is greater. For out-of-warranty Kara, this re-activates the warranty on the complete product for 2 years. One caveat: Schiit may refuse to do upgrades on heavily modified products. Schiit-installed upgrades are not eligible for return.