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Freya+ F

Balanced Tube Preamp with Remote Control

Voltage (?)
Plug Type (?)


Silver Ships 1-3 days Black Ships April 15






Freya+ F is a true high-end, balanced, remote-control preamp. Switch between passive, differential buffer, and differential tube gain modes, and enjoy the fine control of a 128-step relay-switched stepped attenuator volume control with perfect channel matching.

Whisper-Silent Tube Stage—With Tube Shutdown
Now, you can enjoy a tube preamp without the hiss and hum of classic designs. Freya+ offers super-quiet tube modes with DC heaters and semi-circlotron, noise-cancelling output stages. Better yet, the tubes turn off when you’re not using them! That’s right, both the tube heater and high voltage rails go away when not in use, so you can preserve lifetime of costly tubes.

Forkbeard™: Total Control is Just the Start
Freya+ F includes Forkbeard, the only multi-product, multi-stack, unified control system. One iOS app gives you total control of Freya (and many other Schiit devices). Don’t want Forkbeard? Drop it off your order and save $50. You’ll still get the standard IR remote control.

The Ultimate Volume Control
The benefits of a relay-switched stepped attenuator for volume are clear. Compared to a potentiometer, they give you essentially perfect channel matching and near-unmeasurable distortion. However, some preamps with relay-stepped attenuators confuse you with buttons and screens. Not Freya+. Freya+ has a volume knob that works just like a volume knob—just grab and turn.   

Designed and Built in the USA
By “designed and built in the USA" this is what we mean: the vast majority of the total production cost of Freya+ F—chassis, boards, transformers, assembly, etc—goes to US companies manufacturing in the US. Our chassis, transformers, PCBs, and assembly are all from California, and all Freyas come together in our San Antonio, Texas production facility. 

5-Year Warranty and Easy Return Policy
Freya+ F is covered by a 5-year limited warranty that covers parts and labor. One exception: the tubes. Those we cover for 3 months. And if you don’t like your Freya, you can send it back for a refund, minus 5% restocking fee, within 15 days of receiving it.


Noise: inaudible
Distortion: unmeasurable by APx555 in passive mode, better than any transducer even in tube mode
Heat: gets quite warm; not surprising for a tube-based, Class A device
Size: shelf- and rack-friendly, not super desk-friendly



Noise and distortion unmeasurable with APx555, below analyzer limits

Equipoise Differential Buffer

Gain: 1 (0dB)
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.2db, 3Hz-500KHz, -3dB
THD: <0.004%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 1V RMS 
IMD: <0.0055%, CCIR 
SNR: >120dB, A-weighted, referenced to 2V RMS 
Output Impedance: 75 ohms SE, 600 ohms balanced
Topology: JFET differential amplifier compound pair with equalized-gm followers 
Tube Gain 
Gain: 4 (12dB)
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.2db, 3Hz-200KHz, -3dB 
THD: <0.01%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 1V RMS 
IMD: <0.01%, CCIR 
SNR: >115dB, A-weighted, referenced to 2V RMS 
Output Impedance: 75 ohms SE, 600 ohms balanced
Topology: differential triode input with semi-circlotron follower stage
Gain: 5 (14dB)
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.2db, 3Hz-150KHz, -3dB 
THD: <0.005%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 1V RMS 
IMD: <0.006%, CCIR 
SNR: >114dB, A-weighted, referenced to 2V RMS 
Output Impedance: 75 ohms SE, 600 ohms balanced
Topology: differential depletion MOSFET with semi-circlotron depletion MOSFET follower stage
Input Impedance: 10K ohms
Crosstalk: >85dB, 20-20kHz
Inputs: 2 XLR pairs plus 3 RCA pairs, selectable via front switch or remote
Outputs: 1 XLR pair plus 2 RCA pairs, selectable via front switch or remote 
Volume Control: relay-switched stepped attenuator with discrete thin-film resistors, 128 0.625dB steps
Power Supply: One 48VA transformer with regulated 300V rail, plus 24VA transformer with regulated +/-18V rails, plus 6.3VDC tube heaters and regulated 5VDC for microprocessor 
  • Standard IR remote for all front panel functions: volume, input select, gain, mute, etc.
  • Standard Forkbeard control system for all the above, plus advanced functions including system health and alerts, and additional capabilities when more Schiit Forkbeard products are added to the stack.
Power Consumption: 40W typical
Size: 16” x 8” x 2” + tube height (about 2.5" more)
Weight: 11 lbs
A tube preamp...with a integrated Bluetooth control system?
Yes. Though that's under-selling Forkbeard. It's technically the only multi-product, multi-stack unified remote control and visibility system. And it's on a bunch of Schiit products. So it's totally easy to create a "Giga Stack" of Freya, Gungnir 2, and Wotan for your listening room...and also add a Saga 2/Vidar 2F system for your man-cave...and control them with one app. Have a kitchen and shop system too? No problem.
But is this a good tube preamp?
LOL! This is an exceptional tube preamp...that is also a passive preamp and a solid-state preamp, too. 
I dislike choice.
Then this preamp isn't for you.

I mean, choice means you cheaped on something.
Like, what? Literally the best volume control in the world, a 128-step relay switched stepped attenuator, for just resistors and switches in the signal path, and distortion unmeasurable by an APx555? A sophisticated, all-triode, all-Class-A tube section with DC heaters for ultra-low noise? An advanced discrete differential buffer? Two transformers, 300V rails, and a 100% linear power supply? Sorry, not seeing the compromise here.
What does Forkbeard™ do?
Forkbeard does everything a remote control does, but for multiple products in multiple stacks. For a preamp, it controls volume, selects inputs, picks output modes, etc. But it also does more, providing instant power output of an amp, and system health alerts in the case of a fault. It can do even more when multiple products are brought together, like Visual Volume, an easy way to tell how much headroom you have left in your system. More info is available here: schiit.com/forkbeard
So what’s this LISST thing?
LISST is our solid-state replacement for tubes, based on depletion-mode MOSFETs. A lot of people really like the way they sound, too!
Solid-state tubes that sound good? You’re kidding.
No. Also imagine the peace of mind, having solid state tube replacements that won’t die, like, in forever.
So what can I use a preamp for?
If you have only one source, and it has a volume control, maybe you don’t need a preamp. But if you have a system with more than one source, and you want convenient remote input switching and remote volume control, a preamp is a good idea. You can also pair it with our DACs for convenient remote volume control, since our preamps don’t cost like the total debt of a small nation-state.
So cheap is good?
Absolutely. Because in the last 20 years or so, audio pricing has gotten really stupid. Go ahead. Look around for a remote passive preamp, and check the prices. Now add a buffer stage. And a tube gain stage. Oh, wait, there really isn’t anything like that. And then start looking at preamps that use a sophisticated, perfectly-matched relay-switched stepped attenuator instead of a volume pot, and you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that Freya is in a class by itself. That is, a class with a three-digit price tag, not a four-digit price tag (that doesn’t start with, like “5,” either.)
I don’t like cheap. I distrust cheap. I like nice things.
That’s cool. We like smart design and efficient construction that make great sound affordable to more people. But if you literally have $100 bills hand-stitched into toilet paper so you can wipe your butt in wretched excess, then by all means, find something that costs more. Just don’t think it’ll automatically be any better. 
So I can run this fully passive, no gain stage at all?
Yes, no problem at all. Just don’t expect it to convert single-ended to balanced or anything like that. It is, after all, passive.
But I can use the buffers to get differential output, right?
Right. The differential JFET buffers will convert single-ended to balanced, which is very handy if you want to run, say, a pair of Vidars from a single-ended source. They’re also pretty cool designs, with a compound feedback pair front end and an equalized-transconductance output stage.  
And the differential tube gain stage—tell me about that.
This one is also pretty neat, with a differential triode front end feeding a semi-circlotron output stage for lower distortion and noise cancellation. That trick, together with DC heaters, provides a much, much lower noise floor than most tube preamplifiers. 
So what’s the big deal about a relay-stepped attenuator?
Unlike a typical potentiometer, a relay-stepped attenuator gives you perfect channel matching down to the lowest level of the volume knob. It also makes cool clicking noises when you turn the knob. In our minds, this is the best way of doing volume control. There’s only a couple of thin-film resistors in the signal path at all times, rather than a potentiometer wiper. And it doesn’t use a “volume control chip,” which we believe proper only to cheap receivers. But then again, a lot of people think we’re crazy. 
What if I don’t need balanced inputs?
Then you need Saga 2, Freya’s little sister.
So what’s a Freya?
From Wikipedia, In Norse mythology, Freyja (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death. We have no idea what seior is, and the war and death stuff doesn’t sound so fun, but the first five items we can go along with just fine. Disturbed? Don’t be. It’s just a name.
Schiit Freya+ Preamplifier
Positive Feedback, Smit Patel

"For example, the Freya + captivates more of a warm sound with some midrange thump and smoother vocal delivery. The tube gain is also noticeably quieter which is more evident across sensitive audio gear; a complaint which the old Freya had often received. As with the previous model, the passive mode offers a solid-state flavor with a more transparent and revealing sound albeit with less soundstage and harmonic bloom compared to the tube gain. The tube gain also impacts a more holographic sound stage with height and depth while also adding some weight to the lower frequency spectrum."

"...I would strongly urge readers to try this product for those seeking a smart preamplifier solution to their audiophile needs."

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A Four-Way Schiit Shootout
Audio-Head, Brian Hunter

From a blind test at the Schiitr between all four preamps (Saga S, Saga+, Freya S, Freya+.)

"After the first run of Tracy Chapman's Fast Car it was readily apparent that the Freya + was earning its keep as the most expensive option of the lot. A flushed out, full representation of everything from bass to treble produced focused instruments that were never flimsy, vocals that drew you in and tonal beauty that both delighted and entertained the small crowd that was gathered. The guitar parts from 15 Steps translated as a smooth, euphonic sound – thick with both detail and dimensionality."

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Any Flavor You Want
Darko.Audio, John Darko

Listening to the Schiit Freya+ Preamplifier
Fair Hedon

"...We have had numerous far more expensive tubed preamps in the system, including multiple models from Rogue, Audio Research, Lamm, Manley, and others. It is our belief the Freya+ was not in any way embarrassed by these units, and in fact, held it's own in every category except maybe for less elaborate case work.

To add another perspective, we have also had many "budget" tube preamps in for audition and while all of them sounded generally "good", they all seemed to do one thing well, usually a smooth midrange, or they added some harmonic richness, but along with that a flat sounding top end, and somewhat sloppy bass. No such situation with the Freya+. It was difficult to find an area where it was deficient sonically overall.

The Schiit Freya+ gets our highest recommendation. For $899 you get a triple mode line stage, with a 128 stepped attenuator, rarely used but beautiful sounding 6SN7 tubes (new production Tung Sols to boot) and a nice metal remote control. The Freya+ with the design changes noted above, only commands a $100 premium over the original Freya, which is amazing. If you have no desire for tubes, the Freya S is available for less."

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Audio Solace, Smit Patel

"The Freya + establishes what the original set out to do with its involving and holographic sound as well as the convenience of controlling multiple sources from one device. However, there are some differences between the new model and its predecessor. For example, the Freya + captivates more of a warm sound with some midrange thump and smoother vocal delivery."

"As with the previous model, the passive mode offers a solid-state flavour with a more transparent and revealing sound albeit with less soundstage and harmonic bloom compared to the tube gain. The tube gain also impacts a more holographic sound stage with height and depth while also adding some weight to the lower frequency spectrum."

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3 WAYS TO HIFI Schiit Freya Plus Preamp
New Record Day

Schiit Freya Plus Review and Tube Rolling Fun!!
Small Room Audio

SCHIIT Freya+, it's like four preamps in one!
Steve Guttenberg Audiophiliac

Schiit Freya + Preamp and Bifrost 2 DAC
The Absolute Sound, Drew Kalbach

"Together, the Freya+ and the Bifrost 2 made a nice little loop where the Freya+ wanted to soften the whole sound while the Bifrost 2 wanted to sharpen it all up, and the overall presentation ended up taking the best of both qualities. I suspect Schiit listens to pieces of its gear in concert with each other, which makes good sense. There are a lot of people out there building Schiit stacks and full-on Schiit systems, as they're reasonably priced, relatively attractive, and overall very solid values."

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