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Reviews for Modi Multibit

Why are people are paying more for fewer bits? Schiit Modi Multibit 2 R2R DAC Review

Schiit Modi Multibit 2 - All the Dac You Will Ever Need ?
Adydula - Headphoneus Supremus, Alex D.

"So I listened all day and just enjoyed it and its capabilities. I could easily just have this one dac and be happy. Yup. Simple. End of story. Why. Because it just does what a dac does and the output compared to other dacs are very similar."

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Schiit Modi Multibit 2 review – extraordinary
hifizone.pl, Adam Kiryszewski/swordfish
"This is one of those rare cases, where saying that the longer you listen to it, the more you admire its sound – would just be an understatement. It's mostly because all that technology that has squeezed into that small grey box actually works. And it works it a mysterious ways of sorts, since you can't actually hear that it's there. But let me elaborate here and explain here...”

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